
BEETHOVEN L. van : Concerto pour violon et orchestre

Anacrouse d'une croche en ternaire. Point d'orgue. Ré majeur. Trille.
Premier cycle, 2° année

In a popular character, the rondo theme (third movement) is presented successively in the bass then in the treble of the violin, which allows two sounds of the instrument to be heard very clearly, with the orchestra accompanying very lightly. The phrasing is indicated with great precision by Beethoven. Also studied: the organ point, piano and fortissimo, the trill, allegro, half cadence and perfect cadence.

18 bars, 1 page.
Included in the index card: a brief comment and the reference.

En relation avec cette fiche, voir le Deuxième Cahier de la Formation Musicale.

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